The mannequin è un oggetto che riproduce un essere umano (partially or fully) with the right proportions.
La derivazione del nome è ancora incerta. Dall’olandese Manneken with meaning of Little Man. Or French Mannes, basket, with reference to the basket weavers who also made mannequins with woven wicker. There are written reports of mannequins, in Europe, Defined as big dolls, già alla fine del 1300. Mainly sent, complete with an entire wardrobe, From the Parisian court to the other European courts. In Venice, in the eighteenth century, during the feast of the Ascension, Large dolls dressed in the latest French fashion were displayed. They were called Piavole de Franza (France dolls). Bambole abbigliate all’europea partivano da Parigi e da Londra per soddisfare le più ricche famiglie d’Oltreoceano, so that the ladies could choose their clothes in the latest fashion. Dalla seconda metà dell’Ottocento, Small dolls were used on which the great seamstresses made, in small proportions, copies of their creations.
Dressmaking mannequin
The tailoring mannequin, It is used to try on the clothes while they are being made. His shape and size was determined by a cast on his person.
The mannequin used in tailoring has only the middle part of the body, a torso: è cioè senza testa, arms and legs, al loro posto per reggerlo vi è una piantana, usually a tripod. Formed by a papier-mâché shell, legno o plastica, upholstered in fabric. There are those that reproduce the female form, men's and children's: They can be modified by adding or removing part of the padding to adapt them to the shape of a specific body.
Ogni manichino riproduce una taglia e le sartorie possono averne più di uno. Ovviamente non si può costruire un abito piccolo su un manichino di taglia grande, per ovviare al problema delle taglie vi è un modello adjustable composed of a shell divided into four parts with an internal mechanism that allows them to be brought closer or further apart, by means of a screw selector switch, so you can choose the right size. For women's shoes, a device also allows you to adjust the protrusion and size of the breasts.
Featured mannequin
It is used to display clothing, so it reproduces the human figure entirely. There are basically two types: The realistic one, Product with features, colors and details that imitate people and stylized ones, dove i colori e i lineamenti non rispettano la realtà . Built with detachable parts, To be able to be dressed, and rotatable, to be able to make him take different positions. The showcase mannequin, così come lo conosciamo oggi, trova una diffusione a partire dalla seconda metà dell’Ottocento, in Paris, with the birth of Department Stores.
Fine arts mannequin
Chiamato anche manichino snodato è un modello in scala del corpo umano realizzato in legno con delle giunture che ne permettono il posizionamento in pose particolari ma perfettamente compatibili con la fisiologia umana. It is used by artists, mainly painters and sculptors, to create reproductions of human figures in which the position of the body and limbs is natural. Il manichino snodato è realizzato in legno ed ha delle giunture che riproducono, nella forma e nelle possibilità di movimento, human ones. In this way, different human positions can be reproduced, all natural and real.
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